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N E W S   A R C H I V E   I N D E X


Croydon video footage online

APR 14 2014

Check out this footage of Martin Turner and band onstage at Croydon Fairfield Halls, filmed last month during the "Written in the Stars" tour.

Martin Turner Facebook

MARCH 4 2014

We are pleased to announce that Martin Turner's new Facebook page is now online. Please take the time to "like" and "share" this page, as this is a great way to keep up with the latest news on Martin Turner's activities as well as discussion amongst the fan base.


Martin Turner is also on Twitter:


Martin Turner at Hipgnosis exhibition

FEB 24 2014

Martin Turner attended a special exhibition of the works of Hipgnosis (Storm Thorgerson/Aubrey "Po" Powell) in Birmingham on February 22 2014, alongside Graham Gouldman of 10cc. Here is Martin pictured with co-designer of many iconic Wishbone Ash album sleeves, Aubrey Powell.


Classic Wishbone Ash members reunite at Ted Turner wedding

FEB 24 2014

Three members of the classic Wishbone Ash line-ups were reunited on Feb 23 2014 at the wedding of Ted Turner.


Martin Turner, Laurie Wisefield and Ted Turner spent a great day enjoying each other's social and musical company - including performing several songs together on stage during the evening reception, including Ted's Wishbone Ash song "Rollin".


The entire Martin Turner team offers Ted and Joanne their most sincere congratulations and wish them every happiness for the future.

Powell v Turner Legal Update

FEB 20 2014

The legal process concerning the above and Martin Turner’s use of the name Martin Turner’s Wishbone Ash has now reached its conclusion.


Andy Powell filed legal action to prevent Martin Turner’s use of the Wishbone Ash brand for his performances and recordings, alleging that such use was an infringement of the trademark “Wishbone Ash”, which Mr. Powell had unilaterally registered in 1998 without the consent or knowledge of the co-owners of the name - the core members of the classic line-ups – Martin Turner, Steve Upton, Ted Turner and Laurie Wisefield – who had at no point sold or otherwise forfeited their rights. The action brought against Martin Turner left him no option but to defend himself and with the support of the other core members of the classic line-ups, file a counter claim, as they believed Mr. Powell’s registration should be shared with the other core members, this being supported by all the legal advice received throughout.


At no point did Martin Turner, Steve Upton, Ted Turner or Laurie Wisefield attempt to prevent Andy Powell from performing as Wishbone Ash. Meanwhile, Mr. Powell sought to prevent Martin Turner from using "any composite sign which includes Wishbone Ash as an element, as a trade mark, trade or business name, band name, domain name, corporate name, adword, keyword or metatag in relation to any goods or services" - i.e. which was described as trying to take away his CV and allowing him less privileges than a tribute band.


On September 19/20th 2013 the case was heard in London, with the judgement handed down on October 25th 2013 perversely upholding Mr. Powell’s registration of the trademark, creating outrage amongst sectors of the fanbase and music industry, which associated the name Wishbone Ash with the musicians who created iconic works such as “Argus”, “Pilgrimage”, “Live Dates”, “New England” and “There’s the Rub” and delighted millions of fans worldwide through its electrifying live performances that are still talked about with great affection to this day.


Mr. Powell was, however, unsuccessful in his totalitarian attempt to prevent Martin Turner making use of the Wishbone Ash name in the description of the contents of his live performances, or with reference to his heritage with the classic line-ups of the band.


A stay was put in place to allow Martin Turner the opportunity to appeal the decision, resulting in business continuing as usual for Martin Turner's Wishbone Ash, as has been the case over the past few months.


On February 19th 2014, a Lord Justice [Kitchin] at the Court of Appeal accepted there was an error of law in the first hearing of not considering ownership of goodwill as part of bad faith but he was not prepared to overturn the findings of fact made when the Recorder did consider ownership in the context of the claim for an account. There is an illogical disconnect in that reasoning and it’s unjust but wasn’t overturned.


While this is obviously disappointing and doesn’t make sense, Martin Turner respects a decision has been made and is now focussed firmly on his continuing musical career without further distraction, as he continues to perform the celebrated works of the classic Wishbone Ash line-ups and develops new material that is a continuation and extension of the creativity that was so prevalent across the definitive works of Wishbone Ash during the band's most critically and commercially successful periods.


To summarise:-


Martin Turner continues his "Written in the Stars - Live Dates 2014" tour with his current touring line-up, under his chosen revised banner of "Martin Turner plays the music of Wishbone Ash".



Martin Turner

plays the music of

Wishbone Ash



Martin Turner continues work on material for a new studio album with his current band consisting of Ray Hatfield, Danny Willson and Tim Brown.


Martin Turner's recently re-designed website will continue on a business as usual basis under a new address,


Martin Turner retains use of the address, which will specifically include historical information on the classic Mk.1 and Mk.2 line-ups of which Martin was part.


Martin Turner is allowed to reference his membership of “Wishbone Ash” in his ongoing artwork and PR materials [despite Andy Powell petitioning for its exclusion].


The above complies with all legal requirements, post-judgment.


As regards outstanding royalty disputes with Mr. Powell, who admitted under oath that he had kept other band members’ shares of an advance royalty payment for the Distillation set, these matters are a separate issue and there remains an unresolved lengthy list of similar incidents, noting that Powell v Turner was not a copyright case.


Martin Turner looks forwards positively to the next chapter in his career:-


"I remain saddened that Andy Powell insisted on pursuing this course of action, rather than engaging in meaningful discussion and negotiation to establish a fair and non-divisive way forwards, as we would all have preferred - even keeping doors open for future collaboration. The decision is perverse, lawyers and barristers are shaking their heads at the injustice. From the minute I received the first demands from lawyers to hand back all my Wishbone Ash ownership in 2004, the legal advice, from several highly qualified advisors, has been consistent, that as a co-owner of the name I must have rights in the trademark and it would be perverse not to be able to use my name as a prefix to the name I co-own. As for confusion, how can any fan really be confused if “Martin Turner’s” is placed before the name? As has been said before, that’s a pretty good clue. Does anyone really believe this case will drive me out of the music business? Or rewrite my history with Wishbone Ash?


I still can’t get my head round the benefits to anyone of the court actions taken against us, since 2004, ironically since before MTWA started. Ultimately there are no real "winners" in cases such as this and it would appear to me all that Mr. Powell has succeeded in is doing public damage to the good name of Wishbone Ash and dividing a fanbase that is for the most part happy to enjoy the music and performances of all the musicians associated with Wishbone Ash. I understand further appeal options may have been open to me, but I have no wish to protract a process which is damaging the Wishbone Ash legacy. Sooner or later it is time to move on. Now is that time.


Certainly if Mr. Powell wanted to put me out of business, he should have been aware that I was made of stronger stuff. At the very least, the court has heard that I never willingly left the band. It has been made clear that even though there is no legal doubt the brand is own by 5 of us, the trade mark is a different matter and we should have objected to the registration earlier. This makes no sense to us, but it is what it is. This is a major lesson to youngsters starting out in the industry – be very careful, there is more to being an artist than just being an artist. Injustice is just around the corner if you’re not careful.


I accept I have to respect the law - and I will respect the law, even if it seems unfair.


I wish to thank all who have supported me during this particularly unpleasant chapter - my family, my management team, my legal team and the legions of fans who have offered their support both in person at shows and also through the many messages received via e-mail, Facebook, etc. I also thank sincerely my colleagues from the classic line-ups of the band - Steve Upton, Ted Turner and Laurie Wisefield - as well as my current band of Ray Hatfield, Danny Willson and Tim Brown.


With this sorry and unfortunate episode now behind us, we can at last focus firmly on the job in hand - that of continued exploration of the extensive Wishbone Ash back catalogue, together with moving forward with new studio music. There is a great feeling within my band right now, with a rejuvenated line-up that I believe has great creative potential, our work on both the live stage and the rehearsal room having been very exciting so far. I look forward to seeing you on the road as we continue our celebration of the music that has connected us through the years.


So we move on, and I urge the entire Wishbone Ash family to come together without negative feelings towards each other. Let the music now speak. Sing. Play nicely together. Let’s please put the bitterness behind us and move on positively. As we grow older and wiser we become more circumspect. I have to accept that this was my destiny whether I like it or not. We cannot avoid our destiny - Written in the stars.”



Martin Turner appearing at Album Cover Art exhbition

FEB 14 2014

Martin Turner will be in attendance at the following event from midday on 22 Feb 2014...


Saturday, 22 February 2014 - Saturday, 5 April 2014

Huge Event Launch 10-6pm Saturday 22nd of Feb

Hipgnosis, Masters of the Album Cover Artwork

Aubrey Powell and Storm Thorgerson.

Free Entry



*Amazing works on display by Hipgnosis-Including some classics, Darkside of the Moon, Led Zeppalin etc, Plus unseen works and some recently published covers for 10cc


*TALK 2-3pm- From Aubrey Powell of Hipgnosis, Graham Gouldman of 10cc, and Martin Turner, founding original member of Wishbone Ash.


On the day Aubrey (Po) will be telling us some amusing stories as to how some of the album covers were achieved and how his amazing career began. Graham will be discussing how 10cc formed their relationship with Hipgnosis and what made it so successful. Martin has just joined the line up and we are eagerly waiting to hear about the association between Wishbone Ash and Hipgnosis.


*Domeclub-the extremely popular 360 degree visual experience. Displaying creative images whilst listening to Floyd Albums. On throughout the day.


* Signing opportunities available for a small donation


*Refreshments throughout.


This is a free event but please let us know you are attending and how many guests you will be 0121 2365800


St. Pauls Gallery

94-108 Northwood Street

Birmingham B3 1TH


First full length set of 2014 played in Darlington

FEB 8 2014

First full length set of 2014 last night in Darlington:

Written in the Stars; Like a Child; Warrior; Goodbye Baby Hello Friend; Lullaby; Everybody Needs a Friend; Living Proof; Blowing Free

Sometime World; Mystify Me; Lorelei; Keeper of the Light; Outward Bound; Lifeline; Phoenix

The King Will Come; Blind Eye; Jailbait

Classic WA members get together

FEB 3 2013

Ted and Laurie popped by the studios today for a jam with Martin.


Written in the Stars - Live Dates 2014 : Opening Night

FEB 3 2014

MTWA would like to thank all who attended the opening night of the "Written in the Stars - Live Dates 2014" tour at the Wyvern Theatre, Swindon last night.An appreciative audience enjoyed a powerful opening set from the Electric Strawbs followed by the unveiling of a fresh MTWA set list, complete with several rarely performed tracks and two new songs*.MTWA set list (approx 75 mins):Written in the Stars*The King Will ComeWarriorGoodbye Baby Hello Friend (Ray lead vocal)Lullaby Everybody Needs a Friend Mystify Me*Keeper of the Light (Danny lead vocal)LifelineBlowin' FreeBlind Eye Jailbait


Photo (left) by Ken Ansted

Written in The Stars" tour rehearsals, January 2014

FEB 1 2014

On the eve of the first night of MTWA's 2014 "Written in the Stars" tour, we have posted is a fly on the wall glimpse of the band in rehearsal on our You Tube channel.


Click here to view

New Year Message from Martin Turner

JAN 8 2014

Greetings to all,


I hope everyone had an enjoyable Christmas, in whichever way you chose to celebrate.


Here at the Turners of Tall Timbers, we had a very relaxing Christmas Day – burnt the turkey, spilled wine all over the cat, tried to dry him out in the microwave, Xmas tree also caught alight - too close to the fire!I jest – Christmas Day was actually very peaceful and lovely - all hell got let loose Boxing Day with mad girlies hitting the sales whilst I became chief chef cooking for three daughters, one son, one son-in-law, three small grand children and two wives - what a line up. Those with actual Turner genes got well oiled and were either going to end up either saying "I’ love you" or be screaming and chucking shit at each other. In the end it was a real blast, as we all do get along. 


2013 certainly turned out to be quite an eventful year, both in terms of public and behind the scenes activity. We finally got to take MTWA across the big pond to play its first dates in the USA and Canada. It was also a fantastic experience returning to Japan for the first time since 1991 and even better that we were able to share this experience with my dear friend Ted Turner.


I dragged the guys into some dingy basement bar in Tokyo after one show where the barman (who had probably recognised Ted) put on the "Night of the Guitars" video (in which Ted features). We ended up watching the whole gig which I had produced the sound for, and boy did it bring back some great memories. All in some funky little dive on the other side of the world, where we were the only customers and the barman could not speak any English. Fantastic - and I knew that my instincts had taken me to the right place once again!


These trips together with a first time visit to Mexico (again with Ted guesting) and the usual array of UK and European touring made for a very busy year of live work. On behalf of my entire band, may I take this opportunity to thank everyone who came out to see us during 2013.


In the studio, I have spent a good deal of time mixing the Garden Party recording that was made in August 2012 with Ted and Laurie playing a few tunes. There were enormous technical problems with it, due to gremlins on the night, but I have managed to get it sounding enjoyable. I think captures the unique atmosphere of the occasion well, with a certain raw edge which I do quite like, and the plan is for it to be released early in 2014. 


We also have plans to record and release a new album this year. We have said goodbye to Dave Wag on drums recently and welcomed Tim Brown on board. We have done only a few gigs as yet but I know this will re-vitalise the band during our touring commitments in 2014 and I look forward to recording with Tim soon. We are scheduled to hit the rehearsal room during January to knock into shape some new material for inclusion in the live set.


2013 was a mixed year for me personally. In the Spring I broke a large tooth which had an abscess above it and had to delay treatment because of gig commitments. It poisoned me and I ended up with a massively swollen pizza face which caused postponement of a few gigs. In the Autumn I fell from a ladder with a running chain saw in my hand. I was amazed that I did not break anything but had a bruise from the centre of my back down to my knee and was lucky to retain all my limbs. There is not a lot of demand for one armed bass players although as usual I could have done with a hair amputation - but it missed.


The major disappointment in 2013 was having to defend the sweet little court action taken against myself by Andy Powell. I will not respond fully until the process is concluded, except to thank my family, management, legal team and legions of well wishers for their loyalty and massive support and to reassure our audience that no matter what the final outcome, my commitment to performing the much loved music of the classic Wishbone Ash line-ups remains and nothing arising from this case will prevent that. Furthermore the friendship shown by Steve Upton, Ted Turner and Laurie Wisefield has been a true reminder of the spirit in which we set up Wishbone Ash. All for one and one for all. The time we spent together this autumn was bittersweet but nevertheless served to reinforce our brotherhood. This will continue...


This month my wise and wonderful mother, Eileen will celebrate her 90th birthday - her three sons all became musicians. My dear brother Kim died in 2003 and she taught us all so much about dignity and courage following that loss.


I guess I arrive at the beginning of 2014 with the sense that I am a survivor and that as long as all the people I care about are alive and well then everything else is just another hill to climb - no easy road!


I wish all of you, wherever you are, a happy, healthy and harmonic 2014.


My very best wishes,


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© 2024 Martin Turner. All rights reserved.    

Worldwide Management: Martin Darvill, QEDG [e-mail]      Tour Liaison: Maria Lundy, QEDG [e-mail]         

 Concert Bookings: UK/world  Gary Carter, GCA  [e-mail];  Europe  Carsten Schulz, Shock City Europe [e-mail]

Merchandise Enquiries: Burning Shed [e-mail]    

Publicity: UK/Europe: Sharon Chevin, The Publicity Connection  [e-mail]   International PR: Ellie Schwartz [e-mail]   

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